
CFA meets MBA: The Amalgam

Well I am a CFA level III Candidate and quite naturally so I chose to write about my current subject of interest, CFA. Kids these days have to do so much to increase their employability and be abreast with the current industry standards and requirements. If I talk about myself I started my Masters in Financial Management in 2012 and while pursuing the course I was quite certain that I also wanted to do CFA. But I finally sat for my Level I exam in the June of 2016. What I am really talking about here is the lapse of time, 5 of the most crucial years of the early 20s of a person’s life. So my advice to you if want to do CFA and you are quite sure of it, Start Early!!

So recently I stumbled upon International College of Financial Planning and discovered their unique, integrated MBA program in Financial Analysis. This super-specialized MBA program covers 100% of the curriculum of all the three levels of the CFA program and also has additional subjects relevant to the Indian context. It is such a win-win. While you get your MBA degree from the University of Mysore (UGC certified) you are also academically equipped to sit for the CFA exams. How cool is that!

Started in the year 2011, this is a one of its kind program. For one it is based on an industry oriented international curriculum of CFA that is globally recognized and acclaimed. The international recognition that comes with this highly sought after qualification for investment professionals, opens the doors of global financial markets making international placement opportunity quite possible.

Some of the highlights of the program include a 2-month internship that allows students to take a glimpse of how the financial world actually functions and associate closely with the roles and activities keeping the choice of career path in mind. Focus is also on combining theoretical knowledge with the practical application in such a way that it increases employability of the students. Semester 1 contains CFA level 1, semester 2 is all about CFA Level II and Level III is covered in Semester 3 and Semester 4.Some of the practical aspects of the course include imparting the basic know-how of share trading and capital markets and basic and advanced learning of financial modeling, a tool that complements the learning of the CFA program and is high on the employer’s list of required skills.

Globally the various job profiles most suited for a CFA include Investment Banking, Portfolio/Fund Manager, Credit & Risk Analyst, and Equity Research among others. So if this is the kind of career you are looking for yourself I would highly recommend that you enroll yourself in the MBA-FA program at ICoFP.


Blogger details:

Diksha Dumra
CFA Level III candidate

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