Will CFA Institute notify my employer that I have been awarded the CFA charter? CFA Institute does not notify your employer directly, but along with your confirmation letter you will receive a letter for your employer.
When will I receive my CFA charter?
If your society is hosting a charter recognition event between 1 September and 31 January, you will be invited to receive your charter at the event. Otherwise, your charter will be mailed to your primary address within 12 weeks of the date that you complete all requirements.
Where is the CFA designation from CFA Institute recognized?
The CFA designation is recognized everywhere. In addition, several countries have recognized the quality of our CFA Program and designation by allowing passage of Level I of the exam or achievement of the CFA charter to meet certain licensing or qualification requirements
Can I use my CFA designation in India?
Yes, CFA charterholders from CFA Institute have always been, and continue to be, free to use the “CFA” and “Chartered Financial Analyst” marks throughout India.
What is the future of CFA Institute in India?
CFA Institute now has six CFA test centers in India (Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, and Pune). We will continue to work with the Securities and Exchange Board of India and the National Institute of Securities Markets and plan to strengthen resources to universities and faculty in India. Please continue to watch for updates about our activities in India.
In quantitative methods we refer to the z-table, t-table, and F-table. Will these tables be provided during the exam? No. CFA Institute does not provide distribution tables with the exam. If a question requires information from a specific distribution table, that information will be provided with the question, but the tables themselves will not be provided. Similarly, time value of money tables (present value, future value, etc.) are neither needed nor provided. The two approved calculators are capable of performing any required present value and future value calculation.
Will I be allowed to use scratch paper during the exam?
No. Also, exam admission tickets must not be used as scratch paper. However, you are permitted to do scratch work in the exam book on question pages or pages marked “This Page Intentionally Left Blank.”
Do the pass/fail numbers published by CFA Institute include all the registered candidates or just the ones who took the exam?
The published pass rates include only those candidates who actually took the exams. The numbers do not include no-show candidates or those who withdrew.
Why doesn’t CFA Institute let candidates know what score is required to pass an exam or what score candidates achieved on the exam?
The minimum passing score (MPS) for each level of the exam is determined by the CFA Institute Board of Governors each year after the administration of the exams
Do I have to pass each of the individual topic areas in order to pass an exam level?
No. As long as you achieve a total score above the minimum passing score (MPS) set by the CFA Institute Board of Governors, you would pass the exam regardless of your performance on any individual topic. However, we advise against any “test wise” strategy that recommends ignoring a topic in your study.
I answered a question part on a page other than the designated answer page for the question part. Will my answer be graded?
No. Only answers written on the designated answer page for each question part are graded.
I did not fill in the bubbles all the way on my answer sheet. Will this affect grading?
Possibly. We ask candidates to make heavy black marks that fill the ovals completely. If this is not done it may affect how the scanning machine reads and records your marked responses on the scan sheet. We will grade your answer sheet as you have completed it.
Source : CFA Website ( For more information please refer to )