Project Brand I

Project Brand I

Callback Request

Project Brand I

Project Brand I

Callback Request

Project Brand I

Project Brand I

Callback Request

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years in Financal Planning Education


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Project Brand I

Brand I, I signifies self, an effort by the students of ICoFP to represent/personify themselves, and to give an edge to position, the already existing brand ICoFP. Students of ICoFP through their specialized education and enhanced skill set in financial planning, create an awareness in the society through numerous, impactful awareness campaigns, on how to create wealth and how to invest. They reach out and meet individuals of different communities, and contribute by communicating financial information and organizing events on same. They go live on social media through blogs, articles and other creative activities for engagement with people.

The students of MBA Financial Planning, after completing their core subjects in the class room are given a project “Brand I” via which they can gain confidence over the subjects they have learnt, and eventually a self-assurance within to conduct themselves as a brand in the corporate world. This project will help in spreading financial literacy to all segments of society, through face to face interactions, as well as on social media. Brand I is an endeavor by ICoFP to give a push to the concept of 360 degree financial planning and give a holistic outlook to the students, giving them the ability to apply what they learn in college and thus develop their own Brand as a financial planner.

Request for Info

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